The Network Journal featured CSBM’s Founder and CEO, Raj Thakkar, in an April 10th article titled “Help Your Company Grow by Moving On”. Raj shared his experience leading CSBM through its recent growth and the key lesson he learned: sometimes the best decision a leader can make is to step back.
In 2012, Raj transitioned the day-to-day responsibilities of CSBM to Karen Daniels, President & COO, who recently received an Executive Management Award from SmartCEO Magazine. While Raj at first found it difficult to let go, the shift in roles ultimately allowed him to do what he loves: “building and strengthening relationships and working with my team to develop new services and expand our geographic reach.” These roles are critical to the growth and development of CSBM and its client base. “Karen focuses on ‘today’, while I focus on ‘tomorrow,’” Raj noted.
But Raj doesn’t take all of the credit for implementing this strategy. Guided by an executive coach, Raj assessed and shifted his priorities to optimize his time in alignment with what was best for CSBM. The advice Raj shares can be applied to all start-ups. Starting an organization can often mean wearing many hats, but as the business grows, it makes sense to gradually pass the hats one by one, to someone who is better suited for the role.
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